The devout thief


Oh lords and lady’s of this land

My palms outstretched, now line my hands

My limbs prevent me from all work

But accept my thanks for this life with perks

And give for me an abode to dwell

Whilst within the shadows I buy and sell

I only want what is my right

I assure I sleep well at night

Why would I not, my money is candid

Everything I have has been handed

By you fools who all day slave

Whilst I read Quran all night and pray

And look how Allah does return

Because I prayed, look what I have earned

And this way of life suits me fine

You have neither, I have money and time

And when my last days make themselves near

My soul is ready, my conscious clear

“Oh Allah, remember this slave in your sight

whose head was bowed throughout the night

your ninety nine names I would recite

I am of those who received your light

And devoted my life to do what’s right”

The reply;

‘Oh wretched fool, you begged and stole

your soul now free and your body cold

what purpose did you serve there with your time

Able body, with an able mind

Look at the Book take a second glance

Stay away from interest and games of chance

Are you so blind that you cannot see

Do not acquire your goods for free

Earn your keep, whilst at times trouble

Every effort you make, I shall double

Alas, too late! Your soul has returned

Oh Mankind ensure your goods are earned’