The blessing of nothing


The paradox on Earth, our wants and needs

Is skewed and driven by our greed

Where we walk by and the helpless plea

Enslaved by the material and by our seed

Greed is the only reason why

We acquire wealth and allow others to die

Greed is the deepest disease of the heart

Turn yourself away form this wretched path

Remember, your time will come to die

Reflect on this and then ask why 

have I been put here on this earth?

To acquire the material is to seek a curse

On your soul and remove its sight

Your weakened honour will lose the fight

It is not an easy ask to dispossess

The desire for the world, I can attest

It’s beauty catches me and I can dwell

Like a Joseph trapped inside my well

Reflect on Job and the hardship he endured

Hardship is a blessing from your Lord

Take that blessing, do not ignore

That for you Allah has opened a door

To endure the patience of Allah’s test

Is to be chosen and separated from the rest