A dialogue with Satan


One night, deep in prayer the slave was immersed

And begged to dialogue with the one that is cursed

The question stirred his mind consistently 

‘Why he did not bow down to Thee?

What reason, rationale did he comprehend?

We will all return to You in the end

How foolish, what whim could even possess

Shaytan to turn away and then to regress?’

“Oh Lord, I have saved some stubborn men

from decisions they would later reprehend

I have convinced misers of immense parsimony

To part with unparalleled sums of their money

Men of liquor and women, to finally repent

And then to observe their faith augment

My ask my Lord, who deserves all praise

Is to speak to this one who turned away.

Am I worthy of this talk? I of beg of you

Do not keep this curs-ed one eschew.

YOU?! An old creature, you can barely stand

You could hardly call yourself a man

Are you the one who turned away?

Who caused all of mankind to go astray?

Are you the one that was dissident?

Who speaks to man with dissonance?

You fool, look at me, what can you see?

A wretched body is all that’s left of me

My one mistake, my unforgivable sin!

But how could I bow down to anyone but him?

My love for our Lord is uncontested

From all the angels, I was his selected

I stayed for an epos in due submission

His happiness was my only mission

And you may judge my action as gravely odd

But could you bow down to anyone but God?

My one regret, my only mistake

And now for eternity, am I to forsake

My lord who has cursed me, and for what reason

I have paid my punishment for my treason

I tried to show our Lord your flaws

War mongers! And power you all adore!

Man kind has committed more destitute sins

And I was asked to bow down to him?

But I assure you friend, my days are done

My strength is gone, I am none but one

From my lord my only request

Is look at what mankind does bequest

And leave calamities on his Earth

And yet it is I, who remained accursed

Answer me this, you think I led man astray

You are mistaken friend think of what I say

I am chained away in Ramadhan

And still destruction carries on

Do I cause men to rape the helpless girl?

Or to strip the produce of your world

And trade it all for some worthless gold

And all for nothing, your soul is sold

How much wealth can man possibly desire

How much more nothing do you crave to acquire?

And on the backs of your brother demise

None share these attributes from all that's alive

Did I invent the torture of your fellow man

Your sickness is potent, this is all from your hands

You dare say it was me, I will not accept

Your blame for the actions that you’ll soon regret

I have seen rivers of blood in your heinous wars

All claim to be promoting our Majesty’s cause

Your kind are besmirched, you are designed weak

Your greed and corruption are more than unique

But leave me now, my repentance interrupted 

You should also repent, for you are truly corrupted

Speechless! The slave began to cry

And yearned for God to make him die

The shame he felt of being a man

‘Rape, torture, greed, they just began

To name the disasters that man creates

What contribution can we really make

To Earth? and the existence of man kind

We’ve fallen too deep, our sins unconfined’

For years the slave soul now dwelled in the dark

The words from Shaytan, which would not depart

His dreams, all he saw was mans corruption 

Goodness broken by a dark interruption 

Despair engulfed the slave’s heart at night

And now his demons were winning the fight

And then one day by chance in his prayer

One verse from The Book demolished his despair

he rehearsed, what he had almost forgot

When God say he knows what they know not

Satan will convince us to make an enemy of man

destruction will appear to allude from our hands

But the calling for mankind is infinitely clear

Satan is our enemy, to this we must adhere

Tears of joy filled his eyes

Mankind was not on the path to demise!

We have differentiated potential like nothing else

We can choose to regress and feed the self

Or reach into nafs, where there is something more

To represent our Lord as his ambassador